Gaming operators take special care to warn players of the dangers of addiction. Online gambling sites mention the harmful effects of abusive use and land based casinos train their staff to detect players who show signs of compulsive gambling. The media regularly recounts stories of some players who get deeply into debt to fulfil their passion for gambling but the following story is surprising.Didier Jambart, a 50 year old town hall employee was prescribed Requip in 2003 to treat the Parkinson’s disease from which he suffered. Gradually the doctor thought it would be beneficial to increase the dosage of this medicine. Having complete faith in the medical profession, the man followed the prescription to the letter. But the person in question began to experience changes in his behaviour. He started to gamble obsessively on FDJ and PMU games and was capable of spending up to 10 000 euros a month. Very quickly Didier Jambart used the family’s savings and cleared out the accounts. Short of money, he started to steal his friends’ and colleagues’ bank account numbers. Added to this gambling addiction was an addiction to sex which has placed the man in compromising situations. Didier Jambart was overcome by all that happened to him and tried eight times to end his life.
Didier Jambart stopped taking Requip in 2005 and all these harmful side effects immediately stopped. It was only then that the man and his family noticed that these problems began when he took this medication. He alerted the health authorities and lodged a complaint against the GSK which manufactures the medication. A long legal battle followed and last November, the man won the case and was awarded more than 197 000 euros. During the hearing Didier Jambart let his joy be known and said that he was happy to at last be recognised as a victim.
The Requip explanatory note now clearly mentions among the side effects that taken in high doses this medicine can cause problems of addiction to cash games, hypersexuality and compulsive shopping.