In 2010, legislation legalising online cash games was passed thanks to support from the right. The socialists who were completely opposed to it however appealed to the Constitutional Council and fought bitterly but their request was dismissed. Immediately the gossip began and there were accusations of string pulling. In fact, the gaming operators who wanted to enter this market such as Stephane Courbit, Marc Simoncini … were close to the President, Nicolas Sarkozy, which explains why the right supported opening the online gaming market up to competition.But now the situation appears to be quite different. On the 6th of May last, the French elected their new president. After five years of the right, Francois Hollande won the presidential elections so the socialists are in power. Radical changes are planned in particular for cash games on the internet and specifically for poker. This doesn’t mean that the government will take a backwards step and repeal the law but it is going to make sure that the market is more rigorously regulated. Even if there is an Authority for the Regulation of Online Gaming (Argel) which oversees the market and grants licences, it deplores the fact that it is limited. Back in 2010 the socialists already felt that the Arjel didn’t have the necessary means to do its job. Moreover its system for calculating the gross income from gaming is detrimental to gaming operators since it is calculated on the total number of bets and not on the profits.At the end of 2011, the socialists including Francois Hollande, made an amendment to the budget for 2012 which plans to tax poker players and in particular professional players. The Moselle deputy, Aurelie Filippetti, has also proposed a similar amendment which requires poker winners to pay a tax when their winnings exceed
5 000 euros.

The socialist party hasn’t forgotten players either: it also wants to put in place extensive measures which aim to protect players perfectly. Illegal sites are to be pursued, minors and addicted players are to benefit from rigorous supervision. The year 2012 should bring much upheaval but one must wait for the legislative elections in June to have an idea of the changes that will take place…