The opening up of online gaming has provoked quite a rush in several countries. In France gaming operators have put everything in place to get approval to allow them to function legally just as happened in the United Kingdom, in Italy… The United States have on the other hand from the outset declared their absolute refusal. To this end, in 2006 Congress passed a law forbidding online games of chance in order to protect American players. But this move caused a general outcry due to the colossal loss of winnings.But the position of the United States is slowly changing because certain states wish to open the doors to their market. This is particularly true for Nevada which has accepted that online gaming be legalised in the state. In a few months from now, online poker licences should be granted to the private operators who apply for them. But before the applicants get the go-ahead they will be subject to a series of tests. Actual casinos who already hold a gambling licence will have priority for these licences which will allow them to enter this much sought after market. This is a real windfall particularly in this time of persistent economic crisis during which the land based casinos are trying to hold their heads above water.The White House is at the moment in the process of studying the question of online gaming but is finding it difficult to state its position especially in this election period. In reality, the Poker Players’ Alliance has forced its hand by giving in a petition last autumn. Now one needs to wait until each state declares whether it is in favour of this opening up or not. Brian Deese, the Director General of the National Economic Council, believes that the states need to decide for their own regions. They need to be perfectly aware that gambling on the internet can be used to launder money and can be dangerous for the most addicted players who must be protected at all costs.

Other states such as California, New Jersey, Hawaii and Iowa also want to open up their markets because they know that millions of dollars are in question.