Many countries have opened up to online gambling. However certain countries remain reluctant to open their doors. This is the case of the United States in particular which is very reluctant to get involved with cash games on the internet. The United State Congress banned these games in 2006. Since then major investigations have been carried out across the country and the FBI has been called in to dismantle illegal gambling networks.But faced with the popularity of such games for Americans and the colossal amounts generated by such a market, it appears that the United States is on the point of reconsidering its position. As a result, Massachussetts has presented its proposed legislation on cash games to the Senate. Iowa is also fighting to regulate the gaming market. This state hasn’t skimped on its means and has even requested the University of Northern Iowa to carry out a study on players. It has shown that there are many players who go onto online gambling sites and according to the first reports, the number of players is constantly increasing.

Washington is also reviewing the situation and is beginning to take a new stand on the emergence of gambling on the internet. This is the reason why this state has decided to take different action. In fact, its City Council has called on the DC lottery to organise public meetings. The aim being to collect residents’ opinions on the regulation of cash games. Over more than a month these meetings will be held in several schools. They will provide information on what online gambling is and also what it can bring to the community in financial terms. In the same way the DC Lottery wishes to underline what this money can bring to each citizen in terms of an improved standard of living.